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Yoga Brunch – 11th June


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Yoga Brunch – Sat 11th June @ 9.30 – 12.30pm
Spend a whole morning nourishing yourself from tip to toe as Josh and Hannah invite you to join them for their second YogaBrunch!
Why do we practice Yoga? We all have our reasons, but according to the original Yogis, we practice to salve our own innate curiosity to know ourselves. We practice to find out what’s underneath all the external and to connect to the part within us that is pure, brilliant, whole and light.
Whilst we can’t master this in one workshop, we can give you a taster of what it’s like to let go of all the responsibility, expectations and obligations the world so often requires of us and replenish ourselves from within.
This workshop is all about you. Honour yourself and take some much deserved time out that is devoted solely to YOU.
This event runs from 9.30am – 12.30pm on Sat 11th of June at The Old Joinery Studio in Birch. Includes Yoga workshop & Brunch.
Together, through guided movement, breath and meditation, followed by a nutritious brunch, we will indulge in ourSELVES.
There will be two practitioners in the room so expect hands-on adjustment as well as a blend of practices to leave you feeling whole again. You do not need to bring anything, all equipment is provided. If you prefer to use your own props and cushions, it is all welcomed. Just dress comfortably so that you can both move, and then relax deeply.
Any questions, fire them over to:
Whole event is £45 including brunch.
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